Current Projects

Valuing Outdoor Culture and Heritage

Ethan is a co-Investigator with researchers from the Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute (LEEP), the National Trust and Forestry England, on an ambitious cross-disciplinary project to explore the relationship between the natural and historic environments.

Working closely with other projects funded under the Culture and Heritage Capital Programme, the researchers are supporting the development of a Culture and Heritage framework for decision making by improving the understanding of the value to people provided by culture and heritage, exploring the challenges faced by land managers and contributing to a robust evidence base and best practice guidelines for incorporating culture and heritage into national accounts and management decisions.

For more information visit

Future Fish Wars: Valuing Ocean Ecosystem Wealth

Will climate change give rise to “fish wars”, militarized disputes between countries over marine fisheries, as fishing fleets chase ocean ecosystem wealth? Ethan is a co-Principal Investigator on a project to understand how climate change outcomes could drive future fisheries conflicts. New theory will be developed to include the impact of multiple actors on the value of natural assets such as fisheries, and to estimate value asymmetry and compression under climate change, which the existing theory lacks.

Ocean Accounting

Ocean Economy Dashboard for Norway

All Data Imported using Q4OpenData, Statistics Norway: Official Statistics (English)

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